(未显示1个用户的2个中间版本) | |||
第31行: | 第31行: | ||
|DateToString(0)||NumToStr(0,0) | |DateToString(0)||NumToStr(0,0) | ||
|- | |- | ||
− | |StandardDev|| | + | |StandardDev||StandardDev |
|- | |- | ||
|InvalidString||' ' | |InvalidString||' ' | ||
第974行: | 第974行: | ||
|- | |- | ||
|Last||Last | |Last||Last | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | |LastBarOnChart||IsLastBar | ||
|- | |- | ||
|LastCalcJDate||LastCalcJDate | |LastCalcJDate||LastCalcJDate |
2014年3月4日 (二) 15:50的最后版本
开拓者 | 金魔方 |
PlotNumeric(1,0) | Plot(0,' ') |
Buy(1,2) | Buy(' ',0,0,0,OT_Market, OB_ThisBar) |
Sell(1,2) | Sell(' ',0,0,0,OT_Market, OB_ThisBar) |
BuyToCover(1,2) | BuyToCover(' ',0,0,0,OT_Market, OB_ThisBar) |
SellShort(1,2) | SellShort(' ',0,0,0,OT_Market, OB_ThisBar) |
GetGlobalVar(0) | GetGlobalVar(' '); |
SetGlobalVar(0,1) | SetGlobalVar(' ', ' '); |
SetTBProfileString | SetProfileValue |
GetTBProfileString | GetProfileValue |
SetTBProfileString2File(3,0,1,2) | SetProfileValue(0,0,0,0) |
GetTBProfileString2File(2,0,1) | GetProfileValue(0,0,0) |
Text(0) | NumToStr(0,0) |
DateToString(0) | NumToStr(0,0) |
StandardDev | StandardDev |
InvalidString | ' ' |
Value | StrToNum |
Date | Date |
Time | Time |
Open | Open |
High | High |
Low | Low |
Close | Close |
Volume | Vol |
D | Date |
T | T |
O | O |
H | H |
L | L |
C | C |
V | V |
Max | Max |
Commentary | Comment |
OpenInt | OpenInt |
OI | OpenInt |
OpenD | OpenD |
OpenM | OpenM |
OpenW | OpenW |
OpenY | OpenY |
HighD | HighD |
HighM | HighM |
HighW | HighW |
HighY | HighY |
LowD | LowD |
LowM | LowM |
LowW | LowW |
LowY | LowY |
CloseD | CloseD |
CloseM | CloseM |
CloseW | CloseW |
CloseY | CloseY |
SessionLastBar | SessionLastBar |
Time_s | Time |
InsideAsk | DynaInfo(Q_Ask) |
InsideBid | DynaInfo(Q_Bid) |
DailyHigh | DynaInfo(Q_High) |
q_LastTime | DynaInfo(Q_Last) |
TradeDate | DynaInfo(Q_Date) |
TradeTime | DynaInfo(Q_LastTime) |
DailyLow | DynaInfo(Q_Low) |
DailyOpen | DynaInfo(Q_Open) |
CurrentOpenInt | DynaInfo(Q_OpenInt) |
OpenInterest | DynaInfo(Q_OpenInt) |
PrevClose | DynaInfo(Q_PrevClose) |
TotalVolume | DynaInfo(Q_TotalVol) |
CurrentDate | CurrentDate-19000000 |
CurrentTime | CurrentTime*1000000 |
CurrentTime_s | CurrentTime |
ComputerDateTime | Now |
BarInterval | DataTypeM |
BarType | DataType |
BarType_ex | DataType |
IntervalType | DataType |
IntervalType_ex | DataType |
BaseDataNumber | DataCount |
CurrentDataNumber | DataCount |
BigPointValue | BigPointValue |
Category | Category |
ExpirationDate | ExpirationDate |
GetSymbolName | StkName |
GetExchangeName | MarketName |
MinMove | MinMove |
Point | Point |
PointValue | PointValue |
PriceScale | PriceScale |
DayOfMonth | DayOfDate |
Month | MonthOfDate |
Year | YearOfDate |
DayOfWeek | WeekDayOfDate |
GVGetNamedDouble | GetGlobalVar |
GVSetNamedDouble | SetGlobalVar |
GVGetNamedInt | GetGlobalStr |
GVSetNamedInt | SetGlobalStr |
IFF | If |
IffString | Iif |
IFFLogic | Iif |
AbsValue | Abs |
ArcTangent | Atan |
Ceiling | Ceiling |
Permutation | Permut |
Combination | Combin |
Cosine | Cos |
ExpValue | Exp |
Floor | Floor |
FracPortion | FracPart |
IntPortion | IntPart |
Log | Log |
MaxList | Max |
MaxList2 | Max |
MinList | Min |
MinList2 | Min |
Mod | Mod |
Neg | Neg |
Power | Pow |
Random | Rand |
Round | RoundS |
Sign | Sgn |
Sine | Sin |
SquareRoot | Sqrt |
Tangent | Tan |
AvgDeviation | AveDev |
Correlation | Relate |
Covar | Covar |
DevSqrd | DevSq |
LinearRegValue | Forcast |
LinearRegSlope | Slope |
LinearRegValueFC | Forcast |
LinearRegSlopeFC | Slope |
StdDev | StdDev |
Kurtosis | Kurt |
Skew | Skew |
CurrentBar | BarPos |
Average | MA |
AverageFC | MA |
XAverage | EMA |
Summation | Sum |
SummationFC | Sum |
Highest | HHV |
HighestFC | HHV |
HighestBar | HHVBars |
Lowest | LLV |
LowestFC | LLV |
LowestBar | LLVBars |
AvgPrice | (C+H+L)/3 |
AvgTrueRange | AvgTrueRange |
TrueRange | TRTrueRange |
CountIf | Count |
SwingHigh | SwingHigh |
SwingHighBar | SwingHighBar |
SwingLow | SwingLow |
SwingLowBar | SwingLowBar |
VolatilityClassic | ATR |
WeightedClose | (2*C+H+L)/4 |
ParabolicSAR | SAR |
InStr | StrFind |
LeftStr | StrLeft |
RightStr | StrRight |
MidStr | StrMid |
StrLen | StrLen |
LowerStr | LowerStr |
UpperStr | UpperStr |
NumToStr | NumToStr |
StrToNum | StrToNum |
AvgEntryPrice | AvgEntryPrice |
BarsSinceEntry | BarsEntryBarsSinceEntry |
BarsSinceExit | BarsXxitBarsSinceExit |
ContractProfit | ContractProfit |
CurrentContracts | CurrentContracts |
CurrentShares | CurrentContracts |
CurrentEntries | CurrentEntries |
EntryDate | EntryDate |
EntryName | EntryName |
EntryPrice | EntryPrice |
EntryTime | EntryTimeEntryTime |
ExitDate | ExitDate |
ExitName | ExitName |
ExitPrice | ExitPrice |
ExitTime | ExitTime |
MarketPosition | MarketPosition |
PositionProfit | PositionProfit |
OpenPositionProfit | PositionProfit |
DailyLosers | DailyLosers |
DailyWinners | DailyWinners |
Portfolio_CurrentEntries | A_CurrentEntries |
Portfolio_OpenPositionProfit | A_OpenProfit |
RGB | ColorRGB |
GetAppInfo | AppInfo |
GetUserID | UserName |
Alert | Alert |
ClearPrintLog | ClearPrintLog |
FileAppend | FileAppend |
FileDelete | FileDelete |
MaxBarsBack | MaxBarsBack |
MaxBarsForward | MaxBarsForward |
A | A |
Abort | Abort |
Above | Above |
AbsValue | AbsValue |
Ago | Ago |
Alert | Alert |
AlertEnabled | AlertEnabled |
All | All |
An | An |
And | And |
AvgPrice | (C+H+L)/3 |
Arctangent | Arctangent |
Array_Compare | Array_Compare |
Array_Copy | Array_Copy |
Array_GetBooleanValue | Array_GetBooleanValue |
Array_GetFloatValue | Array_GetFloatValue |
Array_GetIntegerValue | Array_GetIntegerValue |
Array_GetMaxIndex | Array_GetMaxIndex |
Array_GetStringValue | Array_GetStringValue |
Array_GetType | Array_GetType |
Array_SetBooleanValue | Array_SetBooleanValue |
Array_SetFloatValue | Array_SetFloatValue |
Array_SetIntegerValue | Array_SetIntegerValue |
Array_SetMaxIndex | Array_SetMaxIndex |
Array_SetStringValue | Array_SetStringValue |
Array_SetValRange | Array_SetValRange |
Array_Sort | Array_Sort |
Array_Sum | Array_Sum |
Array | Array |
Arrays | Arrays |
ArraySize | ArraySize |
ArrayStartAddr | ArrayStartAddr |
Arw_Delete | Arw_Delete |
Arw_GetActive | Arw_GetActive |
Arw_GetColor | Arw_GetColor |
Arw_GetDate | Arw_GetDate |
Arw_GetDirection | Arw_GetDirection |
Arw_GetFirst | Arw_GetFirst |
Arw_GetNext | Arw_GetNext |
Arw_GetSize | Arw_GetSize |
Arw_GetStyle | Arw_GetStyle |
Arw_GetText | Arw_GetText |
Arw_GetTextAttribute | Arw_GetTextAttribute |
Arw_GetTextBGColor | Arw_GetTextBGColor |
Arw_GetTextColor | Arw_GetTextColor |
Arw_GetTextFontName | Arw_GetTextFontName |
Arw_GetTextSize | Arw_GetTextSize |
Arw_GetTime_s | Arw_GetTime_s |
Arw_GetTime | Arw_GetTime |
Arw_GetVal | Arw_GetVal |
Arw_New_s | Arw_New_s |
Arw_New_self_s | Arw_New_self_s |
Arw_New_self | Arw_New_self |
Arw_New | Arw_New |
Arw_SetColor | Arw_SetColor |
Arw_SetLocation_s | Arw_SetLocation_s |
Arw_SetLocation | Arw_SetLocation |
Arw_SetSize | Arw_SetSize |
Arw_SetStyle | Arw_SetStyle |
Arw_SetText | Arw_SetText |
Arw_SetTextAttribute | Arw_SetTextAttribute |
Arw_SetTextBGColor | Arw_SetTextBGColor |
Arw_SetTextColor | Arw_SetTextColor |
Arw_SetTextFontName | Arw_SetTextFontName |
Arw_SetTextSize | Arw_SetTextSize |
At | At |
AtCommentaryBar | AtCommentaryBar |
AutoSession | AutoSession |
AvgBarsEvenTrade | AvgBarsEvenTrade |
AvgBarsLosTrade | AvgBarsLosTrade |
AvgBarsWinTrade | AvgBarsWinTrade |
AvgEntryPrice | AvgEntryPrice |
AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker | AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker |
AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy | AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy |
AvgList | AvgList |
Bar | Bar |
BarInterval | BarInterval |
Bars | Bars |
BarsSinceEntry | BarsSinceEntry |
BarsSinceEntry_Checked | BarsSinceEntry_Checked |
BarsSinceExit | BarsSinceExit |
BarsSinceExit_Checked | BarsSinceExit_Checked |
BarStatus | BarStatus |
BarType_ex | BarType_ex |
BarType | BarType |
Based | Based |
BaseDataNumber | BaseDataNumber |
Begin | Begin |
Below | Below |
BigPointValue | BigPointValue |
Black | Black |
Blue | Blue |
Bool | Bool |
BoxSize | BoxSize |
Break | Break |
By | By |
Byte | Byte |
C | C |
CancelAlert | CancelAlert |
Category | Category |
Ceiling | Ceiling |
ChangeMarketPosition | ChangeMarketPosition |
Char | Char |
CheckAlert | CheckAlert |
CheckCommentary | CheckCommentary |
ClearDebug | ClearDebug |
ClearPrintLog | ClearPrintLog |
Close | Close |
Commentary | Commentary |
CommentaryCL | CommentaryCL |
CommentaryEnabled | CommentaryEnabled |
Commission | Commission |
ComputerDateTime | ComputerDateTime |
Contract | Contract |
ContractProfit | ContractProfit |
Contracts | Contracts |
Cosine | Cosine |
Cotangent | Cotangent |
Cover | Cover |
Cross | Cross |
Crosses | Crosses |
CurrentBar | CurrentBar |
CurrentContracts | CurrentContracts |
CurrentDataNumber | CurrentDataNumber |
CurrentDate | CurrentDate |
CurrentEntries | CurrentEntries |
CurrentOpenInt | CurrentOpenInt |
CurrentShares | CurrentShares |
CurrentTime_s | CurrentTime_s |
CurrentTime | CurrentTime |
Cyan | Cyan |
D | D |
DailyHigh | DailyHigh |
DailyLimit | DailyLimit |
DailyLow | DailyLow |
DailyOpen | DailyOpen |
DailyVolume | DailyVolume |
DarkBlue | DarkBlue |
DarkBrown | DarkBrown |
DarkCyan | DarkCyan |
DarkGray | DarkGray |
DarkGreen | DarkGreen |
DarkMagenta | DarkMagenta |
DarkRed | DarkRed |
DarkYellow | DarkYellow |
Data | Data |
DataCompression | DataCompression |
Date | Date |
DateTime2ELTime_s | DateTime2ELTime_s |
DateTime2ELTime | DateTime2ELTime |
DateTimeToString | DateTimeToString |
DateToJulian | DateToJulian |
DateToString | DateToString |
Day | Day |
DayFromDateTime | DayFromDateTime |
DayOfMonth | DayOfMonth |
DayOfWeek | DayOfWeek |
DayOfWeekFromDateTime | DayOfWeekFromDateTime |
Days | Days |
Default | Default |
DefineDLLFunc | DefineDLLFunc |
Description | Description |
Does | Does |
DOM_AskPrice | DOM_AskPrice |
DOM_AsksCount | DOM_AsksCount |
DOM_AskSize | DOM_AskSize |
DOM_BidPrice | DOM_BidPrice |
DOM_BidsCount | DOM_BidsCount |
DOM_BidSize | DOM_BidSize |
DOM_IsConnected | DOM_IsConnected |
Double | Double |
DoubleQuote | DoubleQuote |
DownTicks | DownTicks |
Downto | Downto |
EL_DateStr | EL_DateStr |
EL_DateToDateTime | EL_DateToDateTime |
EL_TimeToDateTime_s | EL_TimeToDateTime_s |
EL_TimeToDateTime | EL_TimeToDateTime |
ELDateToDateTime | ELDateToDateTime |
Else | Else |
ELTimeToDateTime_s | ELTimeToDateTime_s |
ELTimeToDateTime | ELTimeToDateTime |
EncodeDate | EncodeDate |
EncodeTime | EncodeTime |
End | End |
Entry | Entry |
EntryDate | EntryDate |
EntryDate_Checked | EntryDate_Checked |
EntryName | EntryName |
EntryPrice | EntryPrice |
EntryPrice_Checked | EntryPrice_Checked |
EntryTime | EntryTime |
EntryTime_Checked | EntryTime_Checked |
ExchListed | ExchListed |
ExecOffset | ExecOffset |
ExitDate | ExitDate |
ExitDate_Checked | ExitDate_Checked |
ExitName | ExitName |
ExitPrice | ExitPrice |
ExitPrice_Checked | ExitPrice_Checked |
ExitTime | ExitTime |
ExitTime_Checked | ExitTime_Checked |
ExpirationDate | ExpirationDate |
ExpValue | ExpValue |
External | External |
False | False |
File | File |
FileAppend | FileAppend |
FileDelete | FileDelete |
Fill_array | Fill_array |
Float | Float |
Floor | Floor |
For | For |
FormatDate | FormatDate |
FormatTime | FormatTime |
fpCExact | fpCExact |
fpCHighAccuracy | fpCHighAccuracy |
fpCLowAccuracy | fpCLowAccuracy |
fpCMedAccuracy | fpCMedAccuracy |
fpCVeryHighAccuracy | fpCVeryHighAccuracy |
fpCVeryLowAccuracy | fpCVeryLowAccuracy |
FracPortion | FracPortion |
Friday | Friday |
From | From |
GetAccount | GetAccount |
GetAccountID | GetAccountID |
GetAppInfo | GetAppInfo |
GetBackgroundColor | GetBackgroundColor |
GetBValue | GetBValue |
GetCDRomDrive | GetCDRomDrive |
GetCountry | GetCountry |
GetCurrency | GetCurrency |
GetExchangeName | GetExchangeName |
GetGValue | GetGValue |
GetNumAccounts | GetNumAccounts |
GetNumPositions | GetNumPositions |
GetPlotBGColor | GetPlotBGColor |
GetPlotColor | GetPlotColor |
GetPlotWidth | GetPlotWidth |
GetPositionAveragePrice | GetPositionAveragePrice |
GetPositionOpenPL | GetPositionOpenPL |
GetPositionQuantity | GetPositionQuantity |
GetPositionSymbol | GetPositionSymbol |
GetPositionTotalCost | GetPositionTotalCost |
GetRTAccountEquity | GetRTAccountEquity |
GetRTUnrealizedPL | GetRTUnrealizedPL |
GetRValue | GetRValue |
GetStrategyName | GetStrategyName |
GetSymbolName | GetSymbolName |
GetUserID | GetUserID |
GetUserName | GetUserName |
GradientColor | GradientColor |
Green | Green |
GrossLoss | GrossLoss |
GrossProfit | GrossProfit |
H | H |
High | High |
Higher | Higher |
HoursFromDateTime | HoursFromDateTime |
i_AvgEntryPrice | i_AvgEntryPrice |
i_AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker | i_AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker |
i_AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy | i_AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy |
i_ClosedEquity | i_ClosedEquity |
i_CurrentContracts | i_CurrentContracts |
i_CurrentShares | i_CurrentShares |
i_MarketPosition | i_MarketPosition |
i_MarketPosition_at_Broker | i_MarketPosition_at_Broker |
i_MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy | i_MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy |
i_OpenEquity | i_OpenEquity |
I | I |
IEasyLanguageObject | IEasyLanguageObject |
If | If |
IncMonth | IncMonth |
InitialCapital | InitialCapital |
Input | Input |
Inputs | Inputs |
InsideAsk | InsideAsk |
InsideBid | InsideBid |
InStr | InStr |
Int | Int |
IntervalType | IntervalType |
IntervalType_ex | IntervalType_ex |
IntPortion | IntPortion |
IntrabarOrderGeneration | IntrabarOrderGeneration |
IntraBarPersist | IntraBarPersist |
Is | Is |
JulianToDate | JulianToDate |
L | L |
LargestLosTrade | LargestLosTrade |
LargestWinTrade | LargestWinTrade |
Last | Last |
LastBarOnChart | IsLastBar |
LastCalcJDate | LastCalcJDate |
LastCalcMMTime | LastCalcMMTime |
LastCalcSSTime | LastCalcSSTime |
LeftStr | LeftStr |
LegacyColorToRGB | LegacyColorToRGB |
LegacyColorValue | LegacyColorValue |
LightGray | LightGray |
Limit | Limit |
Log | Log |
Long | Long |
Low | Low |
Lower | Lower |
LowerStr | LowerStr |
LPBool | LPBool |
LPByte | LPByte |
LPDouble | LPDouble |
LPFloat | LPFloat |
LPInt | LPInt |
LPLong | LPLong |
Magenta | Magenta |
Margin | Margin |
Market | Market |
MarketPosition | MarketPosition |
MarketPosition_at_Broker | MarketPosition_at_Broker |
MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy | MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy |
MarketPosition_Checked | MarketPosition_Checked |
MaxBarsBack | MaxBarsBack |
MaxBarsForward | MaxBarsForward |
MaxConsecLosers | MaxConsecLosers |
MaxConsecWinners | MaxConsecWinners |
MaxContractProfit | MaxContractProfit |
MaxContractProfit_Checked | MaxContractProfit_Checked |
MaxContracts | MaxContracts |
MaxContracts_Checked | MaxContracts_Checked |
MaxContractsHeld | MaxContractsHeld |
MaxEntries | MaxEntries |
MaxEntries_Checked | MaxEntries_Checked |
MaxIDDrawDown | MaxIDDrawDown |
MaxList | Max |
MaxList2 | MaxList2 |
MaxPositionAgo | MaxPositionAgo |
MaxPositionsAgo | MaxPositionsAgo |
MaxPositionLoss | MaxPositionLoss |
MaxPositionLoss_Checked | MaxPositionLoss_Checked |
MaxPositionProfit | MaxPositionProfit |
MaxPositionProfit_Checked | MaxPositionProfit_Checked |
MaxShares | MaxShares |
MaxShares_Checked | MaxShares_Checked |
MaxSharesHeld | MaxSharesHeld |
MC_Arw_GetActive | MC_Arw_GetActive |
MC_Text_GetActive | MC_Text_GetActive |
MC_TL_GetActive | MC_TL_GetActive |
MC_TL_New | MC_TL_New |
Method | Method |
MidStr | MidStr |
MillisecondsFromDateTime | MillisecondsFromDateTime |
MinList | MinList |
MinList2 | MinList2 |
MinMove | MinMove |
MinutesFromDateTime | MinutesFromDateTime |
Mod | Mod |
Monday | Monday |
Month | Month |
MonthFromDateTime | MonthFromDateTime |
MouseClickBarNumber | MouseClickBarNumber |
MouseClickCtrlPressed | MouseClickCtrlPressed |
MouseClickDataNumber | MouseClickDataNumber |
MouseClickDateTime | MouseClickDateTime |
MouseClickPrice | MouseClickPrice |
MouseClickShiftPressed | MouseClickShiftPressed |
Neg | Neg |
NetProfit | NetProfit |
NewLine | NewLine |
Next | Next |
NoPlot | NoPlot |
Not | Not |
NthMaxList | NthMaxList |
NthMinList | NthMinList |
Numeric | Numeric |
NumericArray | NumericArray |
NumericArrayRef | NumericArrayRef |
NumericRef | NumericRef |
NumericSeries | NumericSeries |
NumericSimple | NumericSimple |
NumEvenTrades | NumEvenTrades |
NumLosTrades | NumLosTrades |
NumToStr | NumToStr |
NumWinTrades | NumWinTrades |
O | O |
Of | Of |
On | On |
OnCreate | OnCreate |
OnDestroy | OnDestroy |
Open | Open |
OpenEntriesCount | OpenEntriesCount |
OpenEntryComission | OpenEntryComission |
OpenEntryContracts | OpenEntryContracts |
OpenEntryDate | OpenEntryDate |
OpenEntryMaxProfit | OpenEntryMaxProfit |
OpenEntryMaxProfitPerContract | OpenEntryMaxProfitPerContract |
OpenEntryMinProfit | OpenEntryMinProfit |
OpenEntryMinProfitPerContract | OpenEntryMinProfitPerContract |
OpenEntryPrice | OpenEntryPrice |
OpenEntryProfit | OpenEntryProfit |
OpenEntryProfitPerContract | OpenEntryProfitPerContract |
OpenEntryTime | OpenEntryTime |
OpenInt | OpenInt |
OpenPositionProfit | OpenPositionProfit |
Or | Or |
Over | Over |
PercentProfit | PercentProfit |
Place | Place |
PlaceMarketOrder | PlaceMarketOrder |
PlaySound | PlaySound |
Plot | Plot |
PlotPaintBar | PlotPaintBar |
PlotPB | PlotPB |
Point | Point |
Points | Points |
PointValue | PointValue |
Portfolio_CalcMaxPotentialLossForEntry | Portfolio_CalcMaxPotentialLossForEntry |
Portfolio_CurrentEntries | Portfolio_CurrentEntries |
Portfolio_GetMarginPerContract | Portfolio_GetMarginPerContract |
Portfolio_GetMaxPotentialLossPerContract | Portfolio_GetMaxPotentialLossPerContract |
Portfolio_GrossLoss | Portfolio_GrossLoss |
Portfolio_GrossProfit | Portfolio_GrossProfit |
Portfolio_InvestedCapital | Portfolio_InvestedCapital |
Portfolio_MaxIDDrawdown | Portfolio_MaxIDDrawdown |
Portfolio_MaxOpenPositionPotentialLoss | Portfolio_MaxOpenPositionPotentialLoss |
Portfolio_MaxRiskEquityPerPosPercent | Portfolio_MaxRiskEquityPerPosPercent |
Portfolio_NetProfit | Portfolio_NetProfit |
Portfolio_NumLossTrades | Portfolio_NumLossTrades |
Portfolio_NumWinTrades | Portfolio_NumWinTrades |
Portfolio_OpenPositionProfit | Portfolio_OpenPositionProfit |
Portfolio_PercentProfit | Portfolio_PercentProfit |
Portfolio_SetMaxPotentialLossPerContract | Portfolio_SetMaxPotentialLossPerContract |
Portfolio_StrategyDrawdown | Portfolio_StrategyDrawdown |
Portfolio_TotalMaxRiskEquityPercent | Portfolio_TotalMaxRiskEquityPercent |
Portfolio_TotalTrades | Portfolio_TotalTrades |
PortfolioEntriesPriority | PortfolioEntriesPriority |
Pos | Pos |
PositionProfit | PositionProfit |
PositionProfit_Checked | PositionProfit_Checked |
PosTradeCommission | PosTradeCommission |
PosTradeCount | PosTradeCount |
PosTradeEntryBar | PosTradeEntryBar |
PosTradeEntryCategory | PosTradeEntryCategory |
PosTradeEntryDateTime | PosTradeEntryDateTime |
PosTradeEntryName | PosTradeEntryName |
PosTradeEntryPrice | PosTradeEntryPrice |
PosTradeExitBar | PosTradeExitBar |
PosTradeExitCategory | PosTradeExitCategory |
PosTradeExitDateTime | PosTradeExitDateTime |
PosTradeExitName | PosTradeExitName |
PosTradeExitPrice | PosTradeExitPrice |
PosTradeIsLong | PosTradeIsLong |
PosTradeIsOpen | PosTradeIsOpen |
PosTradeProfit | PosTradeProfit |
PosTradeSize | PosTradeSize |
PrevClose | PrevClose |
PriceScale | PriceScale |
ProcessMouseEvents | ProcessMouseEvents |
q_Ask | q_Ask |
q_Bid | q_Bid |
q_BigPointValue | q_BigPointValue |
q_Date | q_Date |
q_ExchangeListed | q_ExchangeListed |
q_Last | q_Last |
q_OpenInterest | q_OpenInterest |
q_PreviousClose | q_PreviousClose |
q_Time | q_Time |
q_Time_s | q_Time_s |
q_TotalVolume | q_TotalVolume |
RaiseRuntimeError | RaiseRuntimeError |
Random | Random |
RecalcPersist | RecalcPersist |
RecalcLastBarAfter | RecalcLastBarAfter |
Recalculate | Recalculate |
Red | Red |
RegularSession | RegularSession |
RevSize | RevSize |
RGBToLegacyColor | RGBToLegacyColor |
RightStr | RightStr |
Round | Round |
Saturday | Saturday |
SecondsFromDateTime | SecondsFromDateTime |
Self | Self |
Sess1EndTime | Sess1EndTime |
Sess1FirstBarTime | Sess1FirstBarTime |
Sess1StartTime | Sess1StartTime |
Sess2EndTime | Sess2EndTime |
Sess2FirstBarTime | Sess2FirstBarTime |
Sess2StartTime | Sess2StartTime |
SessionCount | SessionCount |
SessionCountMS | SessionCountMS |
SessionEndDay | SessionEndDay |
SessionEndDayMS | SessionEndDayMS |
SessionEndTime | SessionEndTime |
SessionEndTimeMS | SessionEndTimeMS |
SessionLastBar | SessionLastBar |
SessionStartDay | SessionStartDay |
SessionStartDayMS | SessionStartDayMS |
SessionStartTime | SessionStartTime |
SessionStartTimeMS | SessionStartTimeMS |
SetBreakeven | SetBreakeven |
SetCustomFitnessValue | SetCustomFitnessValue |
SetDollarTrailing | SetDollarTrailing |
SetExitOnClose | SetExitOnClose |
SetFPCompareAccuracy | SetFPCompareAccuracy |
SetMaxBarsBack | SetMaxBarsBack |
SetPercentTrailing | SetPercentTrailing |
SetPlotColor | SetPlotColor |
SetPlotBGColor | SetPlotBGColor |
SetPlotWidth | SetPlotWidth |
SetProfitTarget | SetProfitTarget |
SetStopContract | SetStopContract |
SetStopLoss | SetStopLoss |
SetStopPosition | SetStopPosition |
SetStopShare | SetStopShare |
Share | Share |
Shares | Shares |
Short | Short |
Sign | Sign |
Sine | Sine |
Slippage | Slippage |
Spaces | Spaces |
Square | Square |
SquareRoot | SquareRoot |
Stop | Stop |
String | String |
StringArray | StringArray |
StringArrayRef | StringArrayRef |
StringRef | StringRef |
StringSeries | StringSeries |
StringSimple | StringSimple |
StringToDate | StringToDate |
StringToDateTime | StringToDateTime |
StringToTime | StringToTime |
StrLen | StrLen |
StrToNum | StrToNum |
SumList | SumList |
Sunday | Sunday |
Symbol | Symbol |
Symbol_Close | Symbol_Close |
Symbol_Date | Symbol_Date |
Symbol_DownTicks | Symbol_DownTicks |
Symbol_High | Symbol_High |
Symbol_Low | Symbol_Low |
Symbol_Open | Symbol_Open |
Symbol_OpenInt | Symbol_OpenInt |
Symbol_Ticks | Symbol_Ticks |
Symbol_Time | Symbol_Time |
Symbol_Time_S | Symbol_Time_S |
Symbol_Upticks | Symbol_Upticks |
Symbol_Volume | Symbol_Volume |
SymbolName | SymbolName |
T | T |
Tangent | Tangent |
Text_Delete | Text_Delete |
Text_GetActive | Text_GetActive |
Text_GetAttribute | Text_GetAttribute |
Text_GetBGColor | Text_GetBGColor |
Text_GetBorder | Text_GetBorder |
Text_GetColor | Text_GetColor |
Text_GetDate | Text_GetDate |
Text_GetFirst | Text_GetFirst |
Text_GetFontName | Text_GetFontName |
Text_GetHStyle | Text_GetHStyle |
Text_GetNext | Text_GetNext |
Text_GetSize | Text_GetSize |
Text_GetString | Text_GetString |
Text_GetTime_s | Text_GetTime_s |
Text_GetTime | Text_GetTime |
Text_GetValue | Text_GetValue |
Text_GetVStyle | Text_GetVStyle |
Text_New_s | Text_New_s |
Text_New_self_s | Text_New_self_s |
Text_New_self | Text_New_self |
Text_New | Text_New |
Text_SetAttribute | Text_SetAttribute |
Text_SetBGColor | Text_SetBGColor |
Text_SetBorder | Text_SetBorder |
Text_SetColor | Text_SetColor |
Text_SetFontName | Text_SetFontName |
Text_SetLocation_s | Text_SetLocation_s |
Text_SetLocation | Text_SetLocation |
Text_SetSize | Text_SetSize |
Text_SetString | Text_SetString |
Text_SetStyle | Text_SetStyle |
Text | Text |
Than | Than |
The | The |
Then | Then |
This | This |
ThreadSafe | ThreadSafe |
Thursday | Thursday |
Ticks | Ticks |
Time_s | Time_s |
Time_s2Time | Time_s2Time |
Time | Time |
Time2Time_s | Time2Time_s |
TimeToString | TimeToString |
TL_Delete | TL_Delete |
TL_GetActive | TL_GetActive |
TL_GetAlert | TL_GetAlert |
TL_GetBeginDate | TL_GetBeginDate |
TL_GetBeginTime_s | TL_GetBeginTime_s |
TL_GetBeginTime | TL_GetBeginTime |
TL_GetBeginVal | TL_GetBeginVal |
TL_GetColor | TL_GetColor |
TL_GetEndDate | TL_GetEndDate |
TL_GetEndTime_s | TL_GetEndTime_s |
TL_GetEndTime | TL_GetEndTime |
TL_GetEndVal | TL_GetEndVal |
TL_GetExtLeft | TL_GetExtLeft |
TL_GetExtRight | TL_GetExtRight |
TL_GetFirst | TL_GetFirst |
TL_GetNext | TL_GetNext |
TL_GetSize | TL_GetSize |
TL_GetStyle | TL_GetStyle |
TL_GetValue_s | TL_GetValue_s |
TL_GetValue | TL_GetValue |
TL_New_s | TL_New_s |
TL_New_self_s | TL_New_self_s |
TL_New_self | TL_New_self |
TL_New | TL_New |
TL_SetAlert | TL_SetAlert |
TL_SetBegin_s | TL_SetBegin_s |
TL_SetBegin | TL_SetBegin |
TL_SetColor | TL_SetColor |
TL_SetEnd_s | TL_SetEnd_s |
TL_SetEnd | TL_SetEnd |
TL_SetExtLeft | TL_SetExtLeft |
TL_SetExtRight | TL_SetExtRight |
TL_SetSize | TL_SetSize |
TL_SetStyle | TL_SetStyle |
To | To |
Today | Today |
Tool_Dashed | Tool_Dashed |
Tool_Dashed2 | Tool_Dashed2 |
Tool_Dashed3 | Tool_Dashed3 |
Tool_Dotted | Tool_Dotted |
Tool_Solid | Tool_Solid |
Total | Total |
TotalBarsEvenTrades | TotalBarsEvenTrades |
TotalBarsLosTrades | TotalBarsLosTrades |
TotalBarsWinTrades | TotalBarsWinTrades |
TotalTrades | TotalTrades |
TradeDate | TradeDate |
TradeTime | TradeTime |
True | True |
TrueFalse | TrueFalse |
TrueFalseArray | TrueFalseArray |
TrueFalseArrayRef | TrueFalseArrayRef |
TrueFalseRef | TrueFalseRef |
TrueFalseSeries | TrueFalseSeries |
TrueFalseSimple | TrueFalseSimple |
Tuesday | Tuesday |
Under | Under |
Unsigned | Unsigned |
UpperStr | UpperStr |
UpTicks | UpTicks |
V | V |
Var | Var |
Variable | Variable |
Variables | Variables |
Vars | Vars |
VarSize | VarSize |
VarStartAddr | VarStartAddr |
Void | Void |
Volume | Volume |
Was | Was |
Wednesday | Wednesday |
While | While |
White | White |
Year | Year |
YearFromDateTime | YearFromDateTime |
Yellow | Yellow |
Yesterday | Yesterday |
BarCount | DataCount |
Exact | StrCmp |
Value | StrToNum |